10 Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

Unfortunately, for many Central Coast residents, getting a regular good night sleep is just a dream. For a growing number of couples, snoring and sleep apnoea have become part of their nightly routine and it’s contributing to a serious lack of quality shut eye across the Coast, Australia and globally.

In a world where the pace is forever quickening, the quantity and quality of our sleep is vital to our general health and wellbeing and our ability to stay alert, safe, and productive at work.


See below 10 Simple tips to help you get a better night’s sleep:


1. Cut down on caffeine

    1. There can be a great deal of pleasure and positivity surrounding the drinking of caffeine. However, high doses of caffeine can make it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. Like most good things, moderation is key and avoiding caffeine at least a few hours before bedtime is advised.

2. Get enough ZzZzZz

    1. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep, on average, adults benefit from seven to eight hours sleep each night.

3. Have a regular pattern

    1. Keeping a regular sleep pattern can help with the quality of sleep. Try to go to bed and wake up at about the same time each day.

4. Take technology out of the bedroom

    1. Bed is for sleep, not screens. Computers, phones and TV can disrupt your sleep. Your mind needs to associate being in bed with sleeping rather than watching TV or using your computer.

5. Minimise stimulation

    1. Avoid too much stimulation from about 8pm and onwards when the melatonin is meant to be naturally rising. Relax for at least an hour before going to bed. Having a nice bubble bath, reading, talking with your partner, listening to quiet music, doing yoga, meditation and stretching are all great ways to relax.

6. Not too hot, not too cold, just right

    1. Ensure your bedroom has a comfortable temperature, and that you are going to sleep on a good mattress using a good quality pillow and you are feeling safe in your environment.

7. Reduce H20 before bedtime

    1. Limit the amount of fluids you devour before bed, everyone’s bladder capacity is different, but as a helpful tip, avoid drinking a large amount of fluids close to bed time, no matter what age.

8. Exercise regularly

    1. Regular physical activity can promote better sleep. However, avoid being active too close to bedtime. Spending time outside every day can be helpful, too.

9. Don’t eat just before going to bed

    1. Try to avoid a large amount of food for up to three hours before going to bed. Eating can wake you up as your stomach works on digesting a meal.

10. Seek help for snoring and sleep apnoea

    If you or your partner are snoring regularly this is likely to be having an impact on the quality of sleep for both of you. It is advised that you seek assistance. Our team of highly experienced and caring dentists can support you and your partner with sleep concerns including snoring and sleep apnoea and offer a variety of options to suit your needs.

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?

Obstructive Sleep apnoea or OSA affects millions of people every year, but since it occurs at night while you sleep, people are unaware they are suffering and therefore it often goes undiagnosed. Signs and symptoms include unrefreshed sleep, daytime sleepiness, depression, morning headaches and going to the toilet frequently throughout the night. For many, gagging or gasping for air at times whilst sleeping or loud snoring is common.


OSA results from the tongue and soft palate collapsing onto the back of the throat while you sleep. This obstructs the upper airway, causing airflow to be restricted or completely stop.

Untreated sleep apnoea is associated with a decreased quality of life and other serious medical conditions like obesity, heart disease and diabetes.
You don’t have to suffer any longer, call us today to book an appointment.
Our local practices are here to support you and your family and help you to achieve optimal oral health and wellness.

Our local practices are here to support you and your family and help you to achieve optimal oral health and wellness. Book a Consultation with us.

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Sleep Foundation | World Sleep Day