Tips for Flossing | Empire Bay Dental

While many people stick to the old brush your teeth twice a day routine, flossing is in fact equally important! Although your teeth may look and feel clean and fresh on the surface, its what’s stuck between your teeth that’s the real problem. This is where flossing comes in!

In order to keep your oral hygiene at its very best, flossing should become a regular daily habit. Not only will it dislodge the nasties caught between teeth, but it reduces bacteria growing in your mouth and prevents plaque build-up, minimising risk of gum disease and bad breath.

But how exactly do you floss? Many Australians have never been shown how to floss properly, or don’t know how to floss at all, so we’ve put together some handy tips for flossing to help you become a flossing expert!

How to Floss

Tips for Flossing – Empire Bay Dental

Flossing isn’t as annoying it sounds and can be achieved in 4 easy steps! No more letting your oral hygiene suffer because you don’t know how – check out the below steps to get flossing:

  1. Take around 45cm of floss around your middle fingers and rest it firm across your index fingers and thumb.
  2. Be sure to begin inserting the floss slowly and gently, using a side-to-side motion that won’t harm your gums.
  3. In order to clean the bottom part of the tooth that meets the gum (also known as the “neck”), curl the floss and move it carefully under the gum.
  4. Repeat these steps for each tooth. Or alternatively you can use inter-dental brushes instead of floss, which are a great option if your teeth have more spacing. These brushes are great for those who are missing teeth or have current/existing gum disease (periodontitis). They are also great to clean under bridges, and gently around implants!

How Often Should I Floss?

Tips for Flossing – Empire Bay Dental

According to the Australian Dental Association (ADA) it is recommended to floss at least once a day at a time of your convenience, so that it easily fits into your daily routine.

If you are experiencing difficulties with the flossing procedure be sure to contact our friendly dentists here at Empire Bay Dental and they will be more than happy to help you out with further flossing education, remember not all teeth are the same and some can be more difficult to clean than others!

Choosing the Right Floss

Tips for Flossing – Empire Bay Dental

If you weren’t already confused about flossing before, there are also a range of flosses available to choose from. Each type is more suited to specific types of teeth, such as if your teeth are closer together or wider apart and if you have braces or bridges. Types of floss include:

  • Standard floss – the thinnest floss that can fit between most teeth, it can come waxed or unwaxed, flavoured or unflavoured and is the most common floss option.
  • Dental tape – much wider and flatter than standard floss, much more suitable to teeth with a wider gap between them.
  • Super flosses – Made from a yarn like material that has stiffer sections on each that allows it to withstand cleaning braces, bridges, and gaps.

By using a consistent combination of your toothbrush, floss, and a regular check-up at your local dentist, you can maintain a healthy oral environment and prevent dental issues from arising.

So, now that your equipped with the right flossing information, there’s no excuses! It’s time to get flossing! Contact us today for all general dentistry or dental hygiene inquires.

Looking for more on flossing? Check out our article How to Floss Properly and Why
